About Us


Formed in 2022, the Vancouver Island Rimfire Precision Series is based out of Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association in beautiful Comox Valley British Columbia.


We run a number of Rimfire Precision Rifle leagues and also are proud supporters of Project Mapleseed, a Canadian skills based riflemans course which provides the ideal fundamentals to enter into the sport of Precision Rifle in both rimfire and centrefire.

The Precision Rimfire community on Vancouver Island started at the Victoria Fish and Game  club in 2021 when Mark Giles first introduced the Outlaw Rimfire Precision Series and the Canadian Rimfire Precision Series.

The sport then grew to Nanaimo Fish and Game Protective Association  with Mike, Rick and Kareem hosting a number of Outlaw Rimfire Precision and Canadian Rimfire Precision  matches as well as the Rimfire Competition Workshops and Rimfire Days presented by the CRPS in 2022.

In late 2022, Courtenay Fish and Game Protective Association joined the crew and began hosting the Outlaw Rimfire Precision Matches as well as began designing our own matches in house and offering open house / introductory sessions to club members.


Enter 2024 and Courtenay is now home to the Precision Rifle Series RImfire League, the Outlaw Rimfire Precision Rifle League, NRL22 Canada and as of July 2024, we were the first Canadian club to join the US based Precision Rimfire Outlaws (not to be confused with the competely unrelated, but complimentary Canadian league)

From this last 3 years of growth, the community now involves approxomately 80-100 shooters from the 3 different clubs that often travel to support each others matches. We also attract participants from the lower mainland who are looking for series points that are not currently offer at lower mainland clubs. With the growth of Rimfire Precision series, we expect that won't last long as more and more clubs join the different leagues.


You don't have to be a club member to shoot any matches at the participating clubs, however, you must provide proof of liability insurance through the many different shooting sports organizations such as the BCWF, CCFR, NFA, CSSA etc. 


To see more about Courtenay and Disctrict Fish and Game Protective Assocation property and ranges CLICK HERE for a video tour.